

SciCat is the data catalog of choice in ESS.
It has been developed as an in-kind contribution and through a collaboration between ESS, PSI, and MaxIV.

The current version is 4.x, and it is based on the following technologies and libraries:

  • backend

    • mongodb

    • mongoose

    • typescript

    • node.js

    • nest.js

  • frontend

    • node.js

    • angular.js

In order to log in into the ESS instance of SciCat, please visit the url, click on the user icon visible in the top right corner of any page.
You will see the following login screen

SciCat Datasets List

Select Local login and type in the credentials that have been provided to you and click Log in.
Once you have successfully logged in, you are directed to the datasets list page.

SciCat Datasets List

This page includes the search form which provides all the functionalities to search and find a specific dataset or a subset of them.
Once you have found the dataset or datasets that you are interested in, you can view their details page (shown below) by clicking on the matching row.

SciCat Dataset List

If you need to use the access token in other applications, you can find it under the settings item of the main menu accessible by clicking on the user icon in the top right corner of the page. The access token, also called authentication token, is visible under the name SciCat Token. As you can see, the UI offers a convenient copy to clipboard functionality.

SciCat User Settings