DMSC School Lecture Materials#
Lecture material repository for teachers at DMSC School.
Course Directories#
There are 6 courses in the summer school. Each course has its own directory for collecting materials in this repository.
Jupyter notebooks#
Many of materials are written in notebooks and are published online by jupyter-book
Here are some tips and tools for writing jupyter notebooks for courses.
Clearing output#
Command to clear outputs of all jupyter notebooks in the current directory.
tree -ifF -P *.ipynb | grep .ipynb | xargs -n1 jupyter nbconvert --ClearOutputPreprocessor.enabled=True --inplace
Building the book#
Make sure you have installed all the dependencies in the requirements.txt
Then use (from the root folder):
jupyter-book build -W --keep-going .
How to export workbook from lecture materials#
There is a python script
to create a workbook(jupyter notebook)
from the jupyter notebook lecture materials in course directories
based on the tags of each cells.
All cells in the workbook will be read-only by default except for solution
Cells can be tagged with dmsc-shool-hint
to keep their editability.
If there is python files, or image files(’.png’, ‘.jpg’, ‘*.svg’) in the lecture material directories, it also copies them into the workbook submodule.
It doesn’t handle other type of files on purpose.
1. Set up or update submodule:workbooks#
You need to set up the git submodule workbooks
before you run the script.
git -C workbooks branch # Make sure if you're in the right branch of submodule
git submodule update # Use --init tag if it is the first time pulling submodule
2. Update workbooks#
And then you can update materials.
python --all # Update all workbooks
# or
python # Update based on git status
3. Commit & push workbooks#
Once you update the workbook, you have to commit and push the changes of the submodule manually.
The script will report which files are updated based on git status
The script doesn’t commit any changes automatically on purpose to avoid unexpected changes of workbooks.